Montag, 30. Mai 2011

the help.

at the moment i'm reading a wonderful novel. it's called "the help", by kathryn stockett and is about, african american maids in jackson, missippi during the 1960s . it's written in the perspective of 3 women, two of whom are maids and one who is white and willing to make things change.

it shows the daily life of african american maids, how they raise the white womens children, yet are not allowed to use the same bathroom, let alone go to college. it shows how difficult it was for people who wanted to change things, to actually do so. it shows the stubbornness and naivety that dominated especially in the southern states. all in all it is a good reminder of how content we can be that nowadays most of this is not the same. it should remind us that people fought for certain rights. rights that allow me to have the opportunities and the lifestyle that i luckily have. and these people should not be forgotten.

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