Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011

the mid west.

thats where i am at the moment. in milwaukee, wisconsin. after being in new york and washington dc, i'm visiting my best friend and getting a glimpse of college life in the mid-west of the states. and i must say, everything here is so patriotic! it is so unbelieveable. people are so proud to be american. in germany you can't be this patriotic. i guess it's nice to a certain extent, but many people here cross that invisable borderline. oh well, here some photos.


i know, my eyes look really bad, BUT grey hound lost my backpack. can you believe that? after being on the bus for 22hours, i get off and my luggage is not there! i thought i was having a nightmare. the worst nightmare ever. it took about 3 hours of my cryig, threatening, shouting and eventually screaming, for them to really search for my bag and eventually it was still in washington dc; where i got in the bus. oh well i guess all well ends well.


2 Kommentare:

  1. Du sag mal, du hast doch die Hasbees von H&M oder? Ich find die immer noch sooo schön. Fallen die groß aus, oder geht das? Ich sitz hier vorm PC und kann mich einfach nicht entscheiden :D

  2. hey! sorry, ich war lange zeit nicht in deutschland und hatte keine zeit hier reinzuschauen... also ich hab normalerweise größe 40 und meine passen perfekt! hoffentlich kommts jetzt nicht viel zu spät. :)
